Hydrogen Sulfide Safety for Deep Pitted Cattle Barns
Hydrogen sulfide can spike quickly and without warning during pit pumping. As producers, it's important that you keep in mind best practices for agitation and ventilation. During agitation, deadly gasses are possible.
People should never enter a building or facility while agitation is occurring. Consider using yellow caution tape to mark barn entrances and alter everyone that manure agitation and pumping is occurring. If possible, remove animals before pumping. For barns with multiple pits move cattle out of the room with the pit being agitated to reduce risk.
Iowa State University Extension provided these tips to help educate producers on hydrogen sulfide safety. This is a very serious matter and something that all producers need to fully consider before they begin pit agitation.
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Do you have more questions that are not covered in this article? If you need help designing and planning, please contact Summit Livestock Facilities at 800.213.0567 or click here to email us. If you are ready to get a price, click here to request a quote and a member of our customer engagement team will help you determine the next steps of your project.